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No Expectations Page 5

  Zero doubt was in his eyes as he crawled onto me in an instant, pushing my body to lay flat on the couch. His lips were desperate as they found mine again. We kissed for what felt like forever. Grinding our bodies together, panting, wanting. We were drunk in each other’s arms. We were captured by this desperate desire between us.

  My hands slid down his body then hooked onto his waistband. I started to unbuckle his belt before he drew away from me and did it himself. His eyes stayed locked on mine as he unhooked then unzipped his pants, pulling them low enough to free himself.

  I watched as he put his big dick in his hand then covered my body with his again. His crown poked at my opening, and I moved up and down against it, trying to wet it as best as possible. "You're driving me crazy," he murmured before pushing it in slightly, making us both moan. He boxed my head between his arms as he slowly thrust all the way in. He stopped for a second, letting me adjust to his size as he asked, "Is this okay?"

  I nodded, eyes closed. "Yes. Don't stop."

  He didn't need telling twice. His hips rocked against mine as he slid in and out. My arms wrapped around his back, gripping his silk shirt. We locked eyes at first, watching our pleasured faces react to our connected bodies. I didn't stop moving my hips. I wanted him. I wanted to feel his skin in every way that I could from this position.

  My eyes widened as I remembered one of the most important parts of casual adult sex. "Stephen?"

  He moaned. "Yes, Emilia?"

  I bit my lip, not wanting to sound immature or inexperienced. "Don't come inside me, okay?"

  He stopped in an instant as shock crossed his face. "Oh, my god. Shit, I'm sorry." He went to withdraw, but I wrapped my legs around him and started to rock my hips against him. He closed his eyes, letting his forehead rest against mine. He stayed still as I continued rocking my hips.

  I tried reassuring him, "I'm on birth control. This is good. Just don't come inside, okay?" He had no reason to believe me, but I hoped he would. My fantasies over the last two years were finally coming true. I didn't want it to come to an abrupt end.

  He paused for a moment, letting me do the work until he finally nodded and started to thrust again. One arm swept under my neck, lifting my head to bring our faces closer together. The other hand gripped my waist. His head dipped to my neck as I felt his breath on my skin. We kept moving at a steady speed, his pelvis rubbing against my clit.

  My body tensed under his as I shuddered from a second orgasm, and he didn't stop. He lifted his head to where his eyes found mine and watched my face, finishing me off. He grunted as he pulled himself out of me then pushed my sweater up to my bra line. He stroked himself over me. His eyes closed as he licked his lips, but I watched him as he erupted onto my stomach, crying out. It was definitely the sexiest thing I had ever seen.

  His head dipped into my neck as we laid there, trying to catch our breath. My mind was racing as the shock of what we did washed over me. I didn't know this guy, and I let him bang me raw after walking into his apartment approximately two seconds ago. It was reckless. Was it wrong? Should I regret it?

  His body hovered over mine until he cleared his throat then backed away and stood up. He looked down at me with an expression I couldn't read. "I'll… get you something to clean up. Hold on." He rushed out of the living room.

  This was exactly what I had wanted. This was the moment I had pined over for years, and it ended so quick. He seemed uncomfortable with how young I was, so there was no way he'd want anything more with me. I'd have to keep this memory locked away for the rest of my life because it was all I was going to get. I wished we could have gotten completely naked. I wished it had been more romantic, but what did I expect? We didn't know each other long enough for it to be romantic. It was all a fantasy.

  He returned with toilet paper and a wet wipe. He got to his knees again and actually wiped himself off my stomach with the wipe. He then followed the wet trail with the dry toilet paper. Tony wouldn't have done that, ever. It was confusing. "Uh… thank you."

  He avoided my eyes as he nodded, clearing his throat again. He raced to the kitchen, throwing the trash away then washing his hands in the sink. I rushed off the couch and into the room he'd come out of. I used the bathroom, and cleaned up a little, then stared at my face in the mirror.

  My cheeks were flushed. My hair was a mess. I bit my lip as I fought back the urge to cry or scream or laugh. I wasn't sure which.

  I tried pushing away my worries, reminding myself once again that I asked for this. I liked Stephen. He was sexy and beautiful and amazing and so sexy.

  He knocked on the door, making me jump. "Yes?"

  "Are you okay?"

  A pause. "Yeah, super great."

  "I don't believe you."

  I plastered on the brightest smile I could conjure then opened the door. His eyes filled with worry as he stepped in. I was rambling before I could stop myself. "See? I'm fine. Awesome, actually. Two orgasms in one sitting. Wow. My next suitor will have tough competition."

  We stared at one another for a moment before he busted out laughing. His laugh was cute, almost dorky. This wasn’t helping my situation at all. "Your next suitor, huh? I already hate the guy." He grabbed my bare ass and pulled me closer to him. My arms rested wearily against his chest. "Are you really okay?"

  I thought for a moment, happy that he was actually being sweet to me and not repulsed by how slutty I acted. I didn't want him to think less of me because I gave it up to him so easily, but I wanted it. I wanted him. I shouldn't feel shame for that. "I'm fine." We stared at each other a moment too long, making me uncomfortable. "But I have to go," I lied.

  His eyebrows drew together. "Oh, okay." He stepped back and out of the bathroom. I hurried to my clothes and put them on as quick as I could. "Are you still okay with walking Charlie for the week?"

  I nodded, remembering that was the original reason I came over. "Yeah, I'll be by Monday in the afternoon. Leave a spare for me under the mat or something."

  "Hold on. I'll give you one." I finally turned my attention on him. He went into the kitchen and opened one of the drawers, shuffling things around until he pulled out a key. We met at the door where he handed it over. I took it and stared up at him. "My sister left this one here just in case she lost her other one, so you can have it… for the week or whatever."

  I was careful as I took it, trying to decipher any deeper meaning from his words. There probably weren't any. I gestured to the door, "Thanks. Well, see you around."

  I reached for the handle, then he touched his hand to mine. My eyes shot back up to his, and he smiled. Warm and inviting. "Come by and see me whenever you want. Things don't have to be awkward. I like you."

  "Oh." I fought the urge to grin like an idiot. He liked me but didn't know me. My emotions were all over the place. "Well, okay. Maybe."

  He laughed then let me go. So I left.

  Chapter Eight


  As my eyes opened that next morning, my first thought was Emilia. Sexy, naive little Emilia. Those unforgettable expressions of hers as she came. Those pretty eyes staring right into mine with so much intensity like she couldn’t believe it was happening. Shit, I couldn’t believe it was happening either. I wasn’t usually one to spontaneously fuck cute girls from my building, especially without a condom. God, I felt like a damn asshole when she realized we hadn’t put one on.

  I was rusty. It’s been a long time since I’ve had sex, and I couldn’t even remember the last woman it was with. Some chick one of my coworkers set me up on a blind date with. She’d openly admitted to me that she was getting a divorce and wanted a quick lay. So that’s what happened. I hadn’t seen her since. I hadn’t dated since. All my thoughts these days were work, family, work, family, work, work, work. No room for much else.

  Emilia popped back into my head as I remembered her distant expression once I wiped myself off her stomach. I tried easing her conscious, but the distance between us
stayed. She seemed so sad and ashamed. Maybe I really did screw up. I doubt she was old enough to have ever had casual sex before. She is young and naive, and I’m a dirty douchebag.

  I needed to talk to her. Tell her everything’s okay. Remind her she’s still a very sweet and beautiful girl I’d love to stay friends with. I wouldn’t want her to think my opinion has changed. The only difference now is I know what her pussy looks, tastes, and feels like. I know the sound of her little whimpers and soft moans… Okay, I needed to stop thinking about this and get out of bed.

  Charlie wandered into my room and sat by the door, wagging his tail. He probably needed to go out, another reason I’d never want a dog. They're needy. I’d prefer to lay in my bed for a few more hours before getting to work, but I had a responsibility now.

  "Alright, buddy, I'll take you out in a second." He jumped back onto his feet, shuffling his weight back and forth in this cute way on his front paws before jetting it out of the room. Yawning, I wiped my eyes one more time before actually crawling out of bed.

  Sweats and a t-shirt would have to cut it. Charlie was eager as he waited by the door like a good dog. He flipped out as I grabbed the leash. I watched as he jumped back and forth before settling down so I could clip it onto him. Stumbling out into the hallway, I yawned again. Mornings were my enemy, especially on the weekend.

  After closing my door, Emilia's frame came into view. Two dogs attached to her harness. She stood outside Mrs. Petterman's door, staring at me with wide eyes again like I was the freaking Boogie Man. It actually hurt my feelings this time. "Thought we were past this," I heard myself say aloud.

  Her eyes narrowed. "Past what?"

  "You cowering away from me every time we cross paths."

  An eyebrow rose. "Cowering away?"

  I nodded as I ignored Charlie’s tugging. "Yes. You always look like I'm going to hurt you or something. I figured after our few conversations over the last week, and what happened between us yesterday-"

  She shook her head, putting her finger up to stop me. "Do not." Her voice was stern. "Mention yesterday."

  Now my feelings were definitely hurt. "Why not?"

  She let out a sigh, her dogs were impatient, waiting to go into Mrs. Petterman's apartment. "Hold on," she mumbled then opened the door, releasing the dogs inside before closing the door again. "I wasn't stalking you by the way. Mrs. Petterman is gone for the holidays so I'm watching her animals for her."

  My turn to raise an eyebrow. "I didn't think you were stalking me. I know she's one of your customers."

  She huffed. "Good." Her arms folded over her chest before she looked away from me. "Now you're one of my customers too, so we can just leave it like that."

  I didn't skip a beat. "What if I don't want to leave it like that?"

  She froze for a second, her eyes widened at the floor before she looked back up at me. "What?"

  My head tilted as I assessed her defensive stance. She was short and petite. She seemed so determined as she stood in front of me. "What if I don't want to just leave it like that?"

  A shaky laugh left those big pretty lips, showing me how upset she actually was. "Look, Stephen, you don't have to pretend to be nice to me to make me feel better. I know you regret it as much as-"

  "No. I don't." Her shoulders tensed as I stepped closer, towering over her. My hand landed against the door as I leaned onto it. "Where's this coming from?"

  Her head shook. "I'm half your age."


  "So… it's not practical."

  I found myself rolling my eyes, ignoring more of Charlie’s tugs. Be patient, dog. "Jesus, I'm not asking for your hand in marriage. I'm saying `Hello,' to you in the hallway."

  She frowned as guilt crossed over her eyes again, along with something else. "Sorry. It’s just… I've never done anything like that. It’s embarrassing. I don't know what to do." Her voice actually cracked, breaking my heart. I got it. She was still insecure from years of shitty high school experiences.

  Before I could think twice, I pulled her into my arms, still holding onto the leash as Charlie finally gave up and sat. Holding her close, she hesitated for a second, just a heartbeat, then wrapped her arms around me. "There's nothing to feel embarrassed about," I whispered in her ear. "Yesterday was amazing. Sorry if I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable."

  I pulled back enough to see her face. We stared at one another. She was so beautiful. Those big chocolate brown eyes filled with so many different emotions. I studied her clear tan skin with two freckles under her right eye. She licked her full pink lips before she spoke, "You didn't do anything wrong. I liked what we did. I wanted it to happen. I can't help it.” She hesitated. “I feel like a slut."

  I blinked. "I didn't think you were a slut at all. We should have been safer, but there was nothing wrong with what happened."

  She stared into my eyes, assessing me, trying to find my angle, but I didn't have one. I didn't want her to feel guilty about anything. I was an idiot for taking advantage of her. Her expression finally softened as she decided I wasn't lying. She pulled away from me and crossed her arms again. "Thanks, but it can't happen again. Sorry."

  I attempted a casual shrug, pretending I didn't want it to happen again either. "Okay, then we'll go back to neighbors. Whatever you want. As long as you stop looking at me with those sad eyes." She thought about it before she nodded and forced a brighter smile. "There you go."

  We stood in the hallway for a moment, staring at one another like we hadn't said goodbye. I wanted to spend more time with her. Get to know her better. I didn't care if it was as neighbors, friends, whatever. "Well, if you're not busy, wanna show me a good trail for Charlie? I need to know all the good spots."

  Hesitation spread across her face before she pushed it away. "Sure." She turned from me and walked a few steps ahead as Charlie and I followed behind her, excited to finally head outside where he wanted to go this entire time. I tried extra hard not to check her out as we walked.

  She pushed the button for the elevator at the end of the hallway then stepped back. After a beat too long of silence, she decided to break it. "So, what are your holiday plans?"

  I shrugged. "Nothing. I'll be alone."

  "Oh." She appeared uncomfortable with that as she rubbed her arm before looking at me. She jumped when she realized I was already staring. "Where's your sister? This is her dog, right?"

  The elevator doors opened, revealing it was empty, and we stepped on. Emilia pushed the lobby button. "My sister’s in Ireland, visiting her boyfriend's family. Pretty convenient she hasn't introduced us yet. Probably already knows I'm not gonna like him."

  Emilia perked up at that. "How old is she?"

  I tried to remember, but I sucked at that stuff. She graduated from college when Layla was born. "Like thirty?"

  Confusion formed in her eyes. Her wonderful eyes she could use as a weapon against me if she wanted. "You're not sure?"

  I shrugged. "Does anyone really know how old their siblings are?"

  She actually laughed. I liked the way it sounded, especially because what I said wasn't funny. I was growing fond of her, enjoying our interactions a little too much.

  Once we were through the lobby and off along the sidewalk alone, she spoke again, dragging her feet beside me. I had to take the smallest steps in history to keep us walking side-by-side. Charlie didn’t seem to mind as he stopped to sniff and mark every bush in our path. "I don't have siblings."


  She shook her head. "No. I don't have any cousins either. It's always been just me." A sad, tight smile appeared on her face again. "I always wished I did, though. It was hard to relate to others when I was growing up. I don't have many friends or anything." She stopped in her tracks as she realized what she admitted. "Not like I'm weird or a freak-"

  I had to hold back a chuckle. She was especially jumpy today. Insecure. Different than how I thought she'd be. "It's cool, Emilia. I don't thin
k you're weird for not having friends at your age."

  She scrunched up her face like I said the wrong thing. "Ew. Don't ever say that to me again."

  My eyebrow rose. "Say what?"

  She forced a cranky old woman's voice, "At your age." She shivered. "I know you mean well, but people always tell me the reason I'm feeling anything is because of my age. It makes me feel generic, and it makes you seem old."

  We walked for a few steps, completely silent as I analyzed her words. Was I being insensitive? "Well, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel basic." She groaned. "You're not generic at all. I happen to think you're pretty special so far."

  Her eyes darted to mine. I flashed her a genuine smile. She didn't say anything as she looked away, but she smiled too. She turned off the sidewalk at the end of the road, walking through the trees near a forested area. "I usually go through this way because it's secluded. You don't have to worry about like random people jogging by or other dogs."

  I followed behind her, but she didn't look back to check if I was. For some reason, I knew why were walking out this way. The word secluded was almost an invitation. Casual. Act casual. "I've never even noticed this was here."

  "Yeah, most people don't." We kept walking. Our shoes and Charlie's paws crunched sticks and leaves as we walked. Emilia was ahead a few steps then turned and leaned against a tree. She looked so beautiful and inviting up against the tree. Her simple sweater and yoga pants somehow made her look more beautiful. Refreshing.

  Her eyes sparkled as she gave me the first genuine smile of the day. I stopped moving, and stared. Charlie tugged on the leash a little, so I walked forward a few more steps until I stood in front of her, looking down at her smooth skin again. She was slow to blink as she glanced up into my eyes before shifting her gaze onto my lips.

  I rested a hand against the tree and leaned in closer. She didn't hesitate to close her eyes, so I kissed her. It wasn't hungry like we had been the day before. This kiss was gentle as I touched my lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. I squished her up against the tree, ignoring Charlie's pulls on the leash. We kissed for what felt like minutes. I breathed in her cinnamon scent and moaned at the softness of her lips. Her fingers ran through my hair as she tugged a few patches, sliding her tongue over mine.